標題 | 新聞稿-大新國小60週年校慶運動會暨彩繪溜滑梯揭幕 |
訊息分類 | 不分類 |
公告單位 | 輔導室主任 |
日期起迄 | 2024-11-08 00:00~2024-11-30 23:50 更新時間: 2024-11-19 11:05:22 |
訊息內容 |
今年11月30日(六)是大新國小60週年校慶運動會,學校將以「榮耀六十、大展新姿」為主題來呈現「勤奮學習、健康成長、不斷超越」的學校願景,同時感謝畫家吳秋鳳女士無酬幫學校彩繪的大象溜滑梯進行揭幕。會中將頒發感謝狀給彰化縣兒少關懷協會、彰化縣各級學校家長會聯合會、田中工業區廠商聯誼會、華嚴寺、以及楊紫彤會長等單位,表達對捐贈校慶運動服、圖書採購經費、以及籃球等善舉的衷心感謝。 大新國小以「公立的雙語小學,優質的人文學校」為特色,也是雙語教育與藝術領航的揚帆學校,先後引進了美國籍教師Amanda以及Amelia,建立全面的英語學習環境,提升學生的英語聽說讀寫能力,更在全縣英語朗讀比賽中榮獲優勝佳績。此次特別安排Amelia搭配中師共同擔任校慶司儀,營造雙語教育氛圍。學校推動藝文教育同樣成果豐碩,年年榮獲藝術與人文教學計畫評鑑特優,三甲蔡詠小朋友榮獲中華民國第55屆世界兒童畫徵選優選獎。。 大新國小是美感教育的場域,重視全方位的美感體驗。60周年校慶,學校策畫了3項深具特色的藝文展覽:包含「我的藝想世界-親師生創作美展」,全校師生每個人都有作品參展,並有家長共襄盛舉;「石正勝手繪彰化縣學校鳥瞰圖特展」,這是石設計師首次展出本縣215校的手繪學校平面圖,為彰化縣的教育風貌留下珍貴紀錄;「陳櫻芬包浩斯藝術特展」,帶領大家一同探索包浩斯的設計理念,體驗材質之美與實用藝術的價值。 校慶當天,小朋友將帶來充滿熱情活力的戰鼓、小獅舞、大會舞等精彩的迎賓表演,以及扯鈴、直排輪、獨輪車等各項才藝表演。同時也有親子趣味競賽、各項學生運動競賽,並且規劃了24個設攤攤位讓來賓免費吃美食,玩遊戲,品茗,欣賞古箏、長笛、薩克斯風的深情演奏。期待並歡迎您的蒞臨與指導!
PRESS RELEASE Dashin Elementary School Celebrates 60th Anniversary with Sports Day and Unveiling of the Repainted Elephant Slide On November 30th (Saturday), Dashin Elementary School will celebrate its 60th Anniversary with a Sports Day under the theme "Honor 60, Unveil a New Look". The event will showcase the school's vision of "Diligent Learning, Healthy Growth, and Continuous Progress", and unveil a mural-painted elephant slide by artist Ms. Wu Qiufeng, who generously donated her time and talent. Additionally, certificates of appreciation will be presented to several organizations and individual, including the Changhua County Child and Youth Welfare Association, the Changhua County Parent-Teacher Association Federation, the Tianzhong Industrial Park Manufacturers Association, Huayan Temple, and President Yang Zitong, for their generous donations. These contributions have supported the purchase of sports uniforms, funding for books, and basketball equipment, for which the school is deeply grateful. Dashin Elementary is a bilingual school with a focus on humanities education. The school has brought in American teachers Amanda and Amelia to enhance English language learning, helping students achieve top honors in countywide English competitions. Amelia will co-host the event with a Chinese teacher to foster a bilingual atmosphere. The school also excels in arts education, earning top marks in evaluations and winning awards like the 55th National Children’s Art Contest. For the 60th Anniversary, three special exhibitions will be held: 1."My Artistic World – A Parent-Teacher-Student Art Exhibition" featuring works by students, teachers, and parents. 2."Shi Zhengsheng’s Hand-Drawn Aerial Views of Changhua Schools", a rare display of hand-drawn maps of 215 local schools. 3."Chen Yingfen’s Bauhaus Art Exhibition", exploring the Bauhaus design philosophy. On the day of the celebration, students will perform drum shows, lion dances, and mass dances, along with talents like diabolo, roller skating, and unicycles. The event will also include family games, sports contests, 24 booths offering food, games, tea tastings, and performances on guzheng, flute, and saxophone. We look forward to your presence at this exciting event!